What is Islam?
The word "Islam" is derived from the root word meaning 'submission to God alone' and absolutely does not endorse terrorism. Allah (God) states in the Quran that killing one innocent soul is like killing the entire humanity.
And as Muslims, we practice our faith more than anyone else. So how can we deny the commands of our religion?
Who's responsible for 9/11?
Then .. wait a second, who was responsible for the events of September 11th? You must understand that we live in the age of technology. You can easily access any kind of information online, please explore the documentaries available on YouTube about who created the Taliban and what the purpose behind their existence is. All of this is politics, not religion. And just to make this clear, terrorists who mass murder innocent people in the “name of” their religion have jumped through a lot of interpretive hoops, and twisted a lot of ideas, in order to try to justify their crimes.
The vast, VAST majority of Muslims of course don’t agree with them — hence all the fatwas (rulings) and other condemnations against terrorism as being “un-Islamic”. And since you are an educated person and still are reading this article, I expect that you will not form an image of Islam in your mind based on what people show you or what the media portrays.
What about Palestine?
Aside from the fact that this has nothing to do with Palestine (Read: Judaism before Islam, thus it's a Jewish land!), since Palestine is composed of Christians, Muslims and even some Jews and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has nothing to do with religion, at least from the Palestinian's side (Refer to previously mentioned article). In the next section, we will state some facts that I challenge you to find any Muslim that disagrees with them.
The Quran & Sunnah
We, Muslims, abide by the Quran and follow the actions of Prophet Muhammed (our last prophet);
And, surprisingly, there is not a single verse in the entire Noble Quran to support terrorism. (Wait for it, don't exit the article just yet.)
The Noble Quran teaches us how to live a life in a peaceful manner. It teaches us to live our lives according to the will of ALLAH SWT and will of ALLAH SWT is to help others, love others, respect others. ISLAM teaches to pay Salam (send blessings) to even strangers. ALLAH SWT doesn’t love the transgressors or those who do not maintain peace.
Even in the battles against Non-Muslims, our beloved Prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH taught us not to kill those who surrender, not to kill children and old people. Not to rape women. Not to cut down trees or plants. These are the conditions in state of war.
"You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor aged man. Bring no harm to trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food."
Now let's analyze some of the verses in Noble Quran which were sent on how to act during war.
[2:190] “You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.” (Have you ever seen a commander like this?)
[2:192] “If they refrain, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.” (ALLAH SWT easily forgives)
[2:193] “You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. (without forcing people into any religion, neither Islam nor Christianity) If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors.” (You will never find anything like this besides Noble Quran)
[76:8-9]”And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (saying) : We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you..”
Above verses were sent when Muslims were in State of War. So if a religion doesn’t support terrorism in the state of war then how can it support terrorism in regular life? The problem is that people do not bother to look for the context of the verses, which surahs were they sent in? They do not even bother to read the chapter the revelations/verses are in, do not bother to read the verses before and after. Just like Hindus do not know that their own book Veda talks about the oneness of God but still Hindus worship multiple Gods. Similarly, people have lack of awareness, they don’t know anything about Islam except that women wear Hijab and that men can have 4 wives at once.
Moreover, Islam had spoken against terrorism, rape, women oppression since over 1400 years ago. Islam spoken against it before America and Europe had its first constitution. Islam speaks against women's rights when women were buried alive in the Arabian peninsula and east. When Muslims said a woman has the right for divorce, right for education, right for dowry, right to leave her husband when she feels oppressed, the western world was not even on the map of the globe.
The Harsh Truth
What you should understand is that human beings are blood mongers, humans beings have the inner desire to rape, women oppression and abuse, and terrorism have no religion, they are purely human attitudes and instincts.
- There are rapists in the church in the Vaticans, there are rapists in America. In fact, 24 women are raped every minute in US according to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation - United States). India and Hindus have the highest rate of rape in the world. In Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, etc there are zero percent rape.
- Women oppression. America has one of the highest ever recorded women abuse and domestic violence. In America, children under 18 are introduced into porn industry. In some states girls of 13 to 15 are forced into early marriage. Women oppression is a cultural act not a religious one.
- Terrorism. The Crusaders launched one of the highest murder in history. They forced people into Catholicism. They killed Christians, Muslims, Jews, all in the name of religion. The KKK in America, killed blacks due to white supremacism. Hitler killed over 5 million Jews. George Bush bombed children and women in Afghanistan. America tested a nuclear in Hiroshima. Those people were innocent. Till date, there are traces of nuclear bomb in Hiroshima. White boy in the name of Dylan Rouf killed over 50 people in US. I can continue naming events after events.
It is rather the people or followers. No religion from Islam to Christianity to Buddhism or Hinduism that says kill people, rape women, oppress women. Instead, it is purely a human action instructed by their brain.
So don't blame Islam for what Muslims do. Islam is good, Some Muslims are bad. I won't blame crusades on all Christians and I surely won't blame all Germans for the actions of Hitler.
Islam is a peaceful religion and any Muslim who creates fear or spreads terrorism is not a Muslim because they will be considered a transgressor and ALLAH SWT doesn’t love them.
Part of this article was quoted from "Mohd Kiru" - a P.h.D holder in Computer Security & Computer Hacking (security), Universiti Sains Malaysia.
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