Resolution 181, also known as the Partition Plan for Palestine

Recommendation for the Plan to Partition Palestine ..

Highlights from the resolution:

Termination of the Mandate: Division and Independence.

Establishment of two independent Arab and Jewish states in Palestine, and international governance of Jerusalem, to take effect two months after the evacuation of the armed forces of the mandatory power, no later than October 1, 1948. The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General

 Assembly in its session No. 1280.

In Favor of the Resolution: 23

Against the Resolution: 13

Abstention: 10

Highlights from the resolution:

Establishment of a Conciliation Commission under the United Nations to determine the status of Jerusalem within a permanent international regime and the rights of refugees to return to their homes, aiming to adjust the situation to achieve peace in Palestine in the future. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution in its session No. 128, held on December 11, 1948.

In Favor of the Resolution: 23

Against the Resolution: 10

Abstention: 13

Highlights from the resolution:

Instructing the United Nations Conciliation Commission to implement repatriation and compensation.

Urging concerned governments to take measures ensuring fair treatment, without any legal or factual discrimination, for refugees returning to their homes or settling. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on December 14, 1948.

In Favor of the Resolution: 45

Against the Resolution: 5

Abstention: 4

Highlights from the resolution:

Directing the Conciliation Commission to submit a report on the return of refugees to their homes. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on April 21, 1961.

In Favor of the Resolution: 37

Against the Resolution: 17

Abstention: 38

Highlights from the resolution:

Calling on the Conciliation Commission to submit a report on the return of refugees to their homes and urging governments to increase their donations to UNRWA.

The United Nations General Assembly urges all governments to urgently make the most generous efforts possible to meet the anticipated needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for relief and employment of refugees. It urges non-donor governments to donate and donor governments to consider increasing their donations. The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General

Assembly on November 17, 1966.

In Favor of the Resolution: 68

Abstention: 39

Highlights from the resolution:

Requesting Israel to take immediate measures to repatriate the inhabitants who fled from the occupied areas and extend the mandate of UNRWA.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on December 19, 1968.

In Favor of the Resolution: 100

Against the Resolution: 1

Abstention: 6

Highlights from the resolution:

It affirms the legitimacy of the struggles of peoples under colonial and foreign domination, acknowledging their right to self-determination by any means at their disposal.

Calls upon all governments denying the right to self-determination of peoples under colonial and foreign domination to recognize and respect that right in accordance with international covenants, the principles of the UN Charter, and its spirit.

Considers that the seizure and retention of land contrary to the right of the people of those territories to self-determination is unacceptable and constitutes a flagrant violation of the Charter.

Condemns those governments denying the right to self-determination, particularly the peoples of Africa and Palestine, recognized to possess such rights.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on November 13, 1970.

In Favor of the Resolution: 71

Against the Resolution: 12

Abstention: 28

Highlights from the resolution:

Recognition of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and a renewed request from Israel to take immediate steps to repatriate the displaced.

Calls upon all governments to urgently make the most generous efforts possible to meet the anticipated needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and employ them.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on December 8, 1970.

In Favor of the Resolution: 114

Against the Resolution: 1

Abstention: 2

The key points in this resolution:

Affirmation of the legitimacy of peoples' struggle for self-determination, liberation from colonialism, authority, and foreign domination, including the Palestinian people.

The United Nations General Assembly emphasizes the inalienable rights of all peoples, especially the peoples of Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and the Palestinian people, to freedom, equality, self-determination, and the legitimacy of their struggle to reclaim their rights.

Highlights from the resolution:

Extension of the operations of UNRWA.

Expressing regret by the United Nations General Assembly regarding Israel's destruction of refugee shelters and their expulsion from Gaza.

The United Nations General Assembly expressing concern over Israel's denial of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 06-12-1971.

In favor: 113

Abstention: 1

Highlights from the resolution:

The United Nations General Assembly affirms the right of peoples to self-determination, freedom, and independence, as well as the legitimacy of their struggle for liberation from colonialism, foreign domination, and subjugation by any available means, in accordance with the UN Charter and its resolutions.

The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 12-12-1972.

In favor: 89

Against: 8

Abstention: 18

Highlights from the resolution:

The United Nations General Assembly reaffirms the inherent and inalienable right of all peoples subject to colonialism and foreign domination or alien subjugation to self-determination, freedom, and independence.

It also underscores the legitimacy of the struggle of these peoples to liberate themselves from colonial and foreign domination, using all available means, including armed struggle.

The resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 30-11-1973.

In favor: 97

Against: 15

Abstention: 28

Highlights from the resolution:

Endorsement of UNRWA's appeal for emergency and temporary donation-based investment for new displaced persons affected by the June 1967 war.

Expressing regret for the non-compliance with paragraph 11 of Resolution 194.

The third session and the request for increased donations to UNRWA.

Reaffirmation of the right of displaced persons to return to their homes.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on 7-12-1973.

In favor: 110

Against: 4

Abstention: 12

Highlights from the resolution:

Affirmation by the United Nations General Assembly of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, particularly the right to self-determination without external interference, as well as the rights to independence and national sovereignty.

Reaffirmation of the Palestinians' inalienable right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced, calling for their repatriation.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution on 22/11/1974.

In favor: 89

Against: 8

Abstention: 27

Highlights from the resolution:

Reaffirming the right of peoples to self-determination and the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples

The importance of guaranteeing and effectively observing human rights for colonial and dependent peoples

Reaffirming once again the inalienable right of all peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation to self-determination, freedom and independence

Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 29, 1974

In Favor: 107

Against: 1

Abstained: 20

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