Thimar: An Ottoman feudal land ownership system implemented to replace the prevailing military feudal system in the Levant since the Seljuk era.

Akche: The primary Ottoman silver coin minted during Sultan Orkhan's reign (726–761 AH).

Ziamet: A parcel of land typically granted by the state, often to military leaders, ranging between 20,000 and 100,000 akches.

Khass: Khass Humayuni and Khass Shahanshahi are lands directly granted by the Sultan. They differ from Thimar and Ziamet as they are not subject to inspection by the register office responsible for monitoring the tax farms. Additionally, they encompass larger areas, exceeding 100,000 akches. Khass comes in two types:

    Khass Sultan: Khass Humayuni - Khass Shahanshahi

    Khass Amir al-Umara: Khass Amir Liva

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