We can definitely see where this notion is coming from, as there were three major wars fought between Israel and the Arabs (whom are mainly Muslims) ..
.. but this conflict is certainly more political than religious e.g. Both Christian and Muslim Palestinians are in conflict with the Zionist who happens to be Jewish, Christian as well as “Muslim”. Much like the Bundists, the Autonomists, Reform Judaism and the Agude all of which are Jews also oppose the Zionist project of creating a Jewish State prior to the appearance of the Messiah.
.. So, back to your premise, it is completely wrong as the Gracious Quran that we -strictly- follow says:
[There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion.] Al Baqarah (2:256)
And Mohammed (SAW) in the Farewell Sermon says:
[O people, your Lord is One, and your father is one: all of you are from Adam, and Adam was from the ground. The noblest of you in Allah’s sight is the most godfearing: Arab has no merit over non-Arab other than godfearingness. Have I given the message?—O Allah, be my witness. —At this, they said yes]
Also, Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides, probably the greatest Jewish theologian in contemporary faith was a close companion of Ibn Rushd/Averroes. He lived in Cordoba Spain during the Islamic rule and was forced into exile along Averroes and many other intellectuals so he went on to live for the remainder of his life in Egypt. Many Jews during the Ottoman Empire also shared great status such as Rabbi Yitzhak Sarfati who wrote his relatives in Europe saying ..
“Is it not better for you to live under Muslims than under Christians?"
It is only after the Belfour declaration and the commencing of the Aliyah did the animosity between the two sides begin.
And here are some more facts that we’d like to lay out for you as well, you may also fact-check each one of those;
- When a synagogue in Muslim majority district in UK (Bradford) was at risk of getting demolished then the Muslims of Bradford District donated/funded money to save the synagogue.
- Islam's roots lie in Judaism. Secondly Israel is just as holy to Muslims as it is to Jews. Its also holy to Christians.
- Jews and Muslims both consider Abraham, Moses and Israel as their prophets.
- Islam and Judaism have very similar concept on formation.
- Torah and gospel are religious/holy books for Muslims too. Many holy sites of pilgrimages for Muslims are just as religious for Jews as well as Christians.
It's politics that has divided us. It's lack of understanding that has divided us. Its the jealousy and conspiracies of the non-Abrahamic (not going to specifically mention) that has divided us. So looking at the big-term scenario. Then NO. Most Muslims do not hate Jews. Politicians spread hatred against Jews for their own greedy purposes. It comes to my knowledge through news that there is a lot of venom amongst Indian Muslims against innocent Jews but the solution to that is education. As it is no hidden fact that Indian Muslims is a lagging community.
I am a Muslim. I don't have a problem with Jews. Anything that's going on between Israel and Palestine doesn't make a difference in the friendship I have with my Jewish friends, because if we start getting political then Iran is just as religious to Jews as Israel is today. Jews are a minority there. There are many examples of communal harmony between Muslims and Jews in Iran and at the same time the intolerance cannot be utterly denied either.
So to answer your claim, Muslims do not hate Jews, and if they do they should at least get off Facebook.
Part of this article was quoted from Gassim Haj Hamad - The Co-Founder at Algassim Organization for Humanitarian Aid & Development.
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