تحيا فلسطين بثورتها وعزها بالشهادة وبقائها بدماء شهدائها .. كل قطرة دم لشهيد تفجر براكين غضب على المحتلين والمطبعين.. اللهم انصر اخواننا في فلسطين
9 months ago
why Israel Declared War at Palestine why why!
Belac8 months ago
Palestine has the right to live on its land. There are Mexican citizens who support Palestine. Long live free Palestine!
Sam Bradley7 months ago
To paraphrase Chairman Mao Zedong, it is "the spirit of Proletarian Internationalism" that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the Palestinian peoples struggle as their own.
التعليقات - 4