The Tahjir/Displacement/Transfer

The concept of the Jewish migration was formulated by Theodor Herzl, referring to the complete expulsion of Palestinians from the Palestinian land and relocating them outside historic Palestine, now known as Israel. This concept aimed at settling Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and other Arab and foreign countries. It also implied suffocating Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to push them into migration.

Israel, in its early days, resorted to terror tactics to displace Palestinians through massacres, home demolitions, and intimidation to evacuate Palestinian lands. Post the 1967 war, Israel pursued indirect displacement by imposing economic hardship and security conditions in the West Bank and Gaza to compel residents to seek work or safety in other countries.

The forced migration carried out by Jews through terrorist, clandestine, and public organizations constitutes a deliberate form of ethnic cleansing, not a side effect of the Arab-Israeli conflict or the 1948 war. Between 1947 and 1949, the Israeli army followed Plan Dalet in Arab areas, involving principles of assault, capture, sometimes killing men, raping women, displacing civilians, looting, destroying homes, and detonating ruins to prevent the possible return of the displaced. Eventually, seizing the money and jewelry of displaced women and the elderly also took place.

When the Palestinian issue reached its climax in 1947 and 1948, influential circles in Europe and America accepted the idea of expelling Palestinians from Palestine. Zionist military organizations and later the Israeli army forcibly expelled over 750,000 Palestinians on the eve of Israel's establishment.

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