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"Our medical supplies were water and salt." Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Labadi, a doctor in the Tal Al-Zaatar camp, along with several eyewitnesses, describe the condition of the wounded and the lack of medical resources during the siege of the Tal Al-Zaatar camp in 1976.
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They killed all the wounded and nurses." Youssef Al-Iraqi, the doctor from Tal Al-Zaatar, recounts how the Kataeb militias betrayed them on August 12, 1982, when he, along with several nurses and wounded, attempted to leave the camp as per the agreement to evacuate civilians. However, all the wounded and nurses were killed in front of his eyes. He miraculously managed to survive. From the film "The Palestinian - 1977.
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Younes Al-Iraqi, the child, said: 'My mother, sister, and cousin were baking bread when a shell hit the oven. My mother, sister, cousin, aunt, and cousin's daughter were killed. We couldn't bury them because of the ongoing shelling. We waited until evening, and when the shelling stopped, we buried them in the garden.' From the Tal Al-Zaatar camp massacre - August 1976.
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"The Tal Al-Zaatar massacre, continuation of the massacre | Video shows survivors coming out of the Tal Al-Zaatar camp massacre... and a press conference with doctors Abdul Aziz Al-Labadi and Youssef Al-Iraqi along with Dr. Fathi Arafat - President of the Palestinian Red Crescent. The conference revealed the execution of 60 nurses on August 12, 1976, in addition to thousands of martyrs and wounded."
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"Do not focus on my personal story, for this is the reality of the Palestinian people." This quote is from an interview with the Swedish nurse Eva Schytte-Hammarskjöld (Samira), who was evacuated along with hundreds of wounded from the Tal Al-Zaatar camp on August 3, 1976, after she lost her arm and her fetus during the siege of the camp by the Kataeb militias. Her husband, Yusuf Hammarskjöld, was also martyred.
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*The video is from the documentary film "Under the Rubble" by Jean Khalil Chamoun and May al-Masri - (1983) Zionist Massacres - Akkar Building Massacre - Beirut.
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The Kuwaiti Gorilla Fighter Fawzi Al-Majadi (Philip) joined the Democratic Front in 1987 and was martyred along with his comrades Riyadh Al-Sarouji (Jamal) and Hussein Ahmed (Abu Samar) during a fedayeen operation in the settlement of Maskav on June 4, 1989. The group, known as the "Nablus Martyrs, " succeeded in raiding a military barracks belonging to the occupation.
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The Courageous Poet | A rare video of the poet and activist Rashid Hussein, one of the prominent poets of resistance, during a demonstration in America (July 20, 1971) in front of the Jordanian Mission to the United Nations to protest the Jordanian army's attack (the Battle of Al-Harra) on the last strongholds of the fedayeen in Jordan. Rashid passed away in New York on February 2, 1977.
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Gaza Liberation | From the celebrations of the liberation of Gaza on September 12, 2005, after the Palestinian resistance prevailed and forced the occupation to evacuate 25 settlements in Gaza and the West Bank, in addition to a number of military bases.
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"We did not want to direct our efforts to any side battles, and all our efforts are directed towards the Zionist enemy." - Martyr Abu Iyad, July 1971, speaking about the Jordanian regime's arrest of fedayeen. At that time, Fatah condemned the hostility of Arab regimes to the revolution and their arrest of militants. It prided itself on its rebellion against Arab intelligence services.
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King Hassan and King Hussein put themselves in confrontation with the Palestinians. This was the response of the Palestine Liberation Organization, articulated by Martyr Majed Abu Sharar, to the attempt by the King of Morocco to push Jordan towards normalization in 1981, following a meeting between Shimon Peres and Hassan II, as well as with Prince Mohammed, the brother of the King of Jordan, a claim denied by both states.
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"We Palestinians: The Palestinian who has been displaced from his homeland is obligated to fight, and he has the right to do so." This is a statement attributed to the martyr Yasser Arafat (Abo Ammar) at the beginning of the Palestinian revolution, which began on January 1, 1965.
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"The Loyalty of the Free" | They told us there was a surprise for us... The bus stopped to let Abu Mohammad al-Jaabari in. He cried, welcomed us with his tears, and started embracing the prisoners. - Freed Prisoner Ahlam al-Tamimi. On October 18, 2011, the resistance led by the Hamas movement completed the first stage of the exchange operation... to embrace 1050 male and female prisoners of the sun of freedom.
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Jerusalem | Video of the strike and protests in Jerusalem on October 26 and November 4, 1968, in support of the Palestinian resistance, in addition to footage of closed shops by the occupation's decision, and their contents being looted by its soldiers.
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Rafiq Castro and Guevara carried out the operation. A rare video of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem after it was bombed in March 1948 by the Palestinian Colombian militant Antoine Daoud, who exploited his work as a driver at the American consulate - secretly collaborating with the resistance - to pass through checkpoints with a booby-trapped car and blow up the agency.
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"We strive to liberate the Palestinian people and establish a democratic state in Palestine where Muslims, Christians, and Jews can live together." This statement was made by Dr. Hanna Mikhail (Abo Omar), a leader in the Fatah movement, to a group of students in London in 1970. Abo Omar disappeared in 1976 along with a group of activists.
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"We are committed to the revolution until victory or death." | A rare video of martyr Kamal Nasser, a leader in the Palestine Liberation Organization and editor-in-chief of the Palestine Revolution magazine, addressing a crowd - estimated at 50,000 - gathered in Amman in July 1970, rejecting the American Rogers Initiative for Peace, which was biased towards Israel.
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"It is our duty to intensify our media against the enemy and against all Arab forces working to end the state of war with Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people." - Statement by the martyr Majed Abu Sharar, the Unified Information Officer in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), regarding Sadat's decision to close the Voice of Palestine radio station broadcasting from Cairo, September 12, 1975."
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A video of Farouk al-Qaddoumi, the Head of the Political Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization, speaking about the massacre, from the film "They Have No Existence" - produced by the Palestinian Cinema Foundation in 1974.
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The Nabatiyeh Camp Massacre | Lebanon On May 16, 1974, Israeli occupation aircraft destroyed the Nabatiyeh camp in airstrikes targeting it and six other Palestinian refugee camps (including Al-Burj Al-Shamali, Rashidiyeh, and Ain al-Hilweh). The bombardment led to the martyrdom of over fifty civilians, most of whom were women and children.
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A rare video of Bassam Abu Sharif announcing the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine's adoption of the Lod Airport operation in 1972 has surfaced, stating that they will continue to pursue the enemy everywhere. The slogan "Behind the Enemy Everywhere" was coined by the martyr Wadie Haddad, the head of external operations for the Front, who was responsible for numerous operations against the enemy outside the occupied Palestine.
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The Jisr al-Basha Camp Massacre | Lebanon "They started stripping us of our gold and money... and they wanted to violate the girls. The young men were shot right in front of us, bullets hitting them in our sight... There were 12 young men and 3 elderly men, they took them behind the wall and killed them." Marie Haddad recounts her testimony about the massacre committed by the Kataeb militants on June 29, 1976.
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Georgette | "My mom used to say, 'I want Abu Labib...' She couldn't find him for my dad. They told her, 'You want Abu Labib?' They took her behind the wall and killed her." Georgette, a child from Jisr al-Basha camp, recounts how the Kataeb militants killed her mother. This occurred during a massacre in the nearby camp of Tel al-Zaatar, inhabited by Palestinian Christians, which was destroyed on June 29, 1976.
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The destruction of the Old City | Jaffa Rare video documenting the British occupation authorities demolishing civilian homes in Jaffa - June 1936. The demolition process took place in 4 stages, leading to the displacement of approximately ten thousand Palestinians. During this time, the general strike continued in Palestine, and insurgent operations against the occupation intensified.